Ultra Fitness

“Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world…
Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has!”
– Margaret Mead –
Objective – Teambuilding & Service to the community
Working in “business units”, small teams compete to assemble a child’s bicycle from a box of parts. Without written instructions, they have only each other and an incomplete tool box with which to achieve their objective. The resources they need to complete the task are available, if they are insightful enough to realize the value in collaboration. It’s an exciting set of dynamics to see how the participants turn planned, as well as, unexpected obstacles into opportunities.
As they communicate and work together to solve the challenges, they are unaware of the greater gift of their work. The bicycles, once complete and inspected for quality, are given to local children in need.
Imagine your organizational values as the bicycle’s rear wheel, the driving force in moving forward. Your core business objectives are the destination and the front wheel is the strategic approach, steering every action you take. This powerful exercise will show your team how to: Break down barriers between groups, communicate more effectively, identify and encourage the sharing of resources, invoke a high level of quality at every step, and connect to a higher purpose in their work. The thrill of accomplishment paired with the power of contribution creates a profound Vehicle for Transformation.
How much greater would your success be, if your team was truly utilizing their full potential?
Invest in your people and transform their ability to take powerful action and produce outstanding results!