Ultra Fitness

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent,
but the most adaptive to change.”
– Darwin –
Change has a negative effect on a business because of peoples’ perceptions.
What if your employees viewed change as an opportunity rather than a threat?
How would it impact your organization if your employees were to embrace change rather then resist it?
Change Mastery cuts to the heart of the issue, “What does change really mean?
In our 4 hour, highly interactive Change Mastery workshop your people will learn to:
Identify and change their limiting beliefs around change
Seek the opportunity that is always at the center of change
Embrace change as positive force
Create certainty for themselves in an uncertain world
Harness and direct their focus with precision
Immediately apply key strategies through workshop participation
By implementing L.E.A.D.’s strategic solutions, you can retain and energize your talent for more profitable results!
“80% of organizations studied reported a collapse in employee morale during times of change.”
The Conference Board
“An individual’s normal productivity level in an 8-hour day can drop by 3.6 hours during a major transition.”
The McKinsey Quarterly
“Up to 25% of top performers leave within 90 days of a major change event being announced.”
American Management Association
Think of the costs in employee replacement, productivity and lost opportunities! By taking a proactive approach with a strategic change management solution you can slash costs while retaining and energizing your talent.