Ultra Fitness

The Digital Age is here. The Net Generation has arrived. Meet the future.
– Dan Tapscott –Author of Blueprint to the Digital Economy
Social Media isn’t a fad – it’s a fundamental shift in how we communicate. If you’re not already strategically taking advantage of Web 2.0 in your sales process then you’re already behind the curve.
What are the rules of engagement? How do you measure success? With almost limitless options, how are you being selective in building your brand? What strategy(s) do you employ that will produce the maximum results in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort? L.E.A.D. ‘s Social Media Methods – Web 2.0 demystifies the whole social networking labyrinth so you can leverage the power of Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs and others.
With over half a billion people now participating in social sites, there’s a very compelling reason to make this opportunity a priority. No matter what you’re selling, L.E.A.D. will help you build a game plan to put you ahead of the competition.
You can’t buy attention anymore. Having a huge budget doesn’t mean anything in Social Media.
The old media paradigm was PAY to PLAY. Now you get back what you authentically put in.
You’ve got to be willing to PLAY to PLAY.
– Alex Bogusky Co-Chairman, CP&B –