Team Paddling in Hawaiian Outrigger Canoes
A`ohe pau ka `ike i ka halau ho`okahi. All knowledge is not taught in one school.
Business today is a never ending race to the finish which requires ever refined coordination between team members and/or departments. Nothing captures the pure essence of team work like racing a six person outrigger canoe. Are you looking for a unique way to bond your people, enhance their skills in collaboration and accelerate their ability for project achievement? Using the rich metaphor of team rowing we can draw parallels as to how each person must take responsibility for the effectiveness of the group – the impact of one on the whole. Lasting success requires a balanced approach, good communication, trust, patience, flexibility and appreciation of one another’s various strengths. As a high-functioning team they can overcome any challenge they face.
In our full day The Big Kahuna workshop, your people will:
- Understand the “business basics” of team paddling
- Find the proper balance of providing and receiving support
- Deepen their appreciation for each other
- Be challenged by a new and ever changing environment
- Pull the lessons and tie them to their business objectives
- Benefit from and enjoy a completely unique experience
By implementing L.E.A.D.’s strategic TEAM development solutions, you can retain and energize your talent for more profitable results!